IKSIT Internationales Keramik Symposium Innsbruck-Tirol

Exhibition In the museum of Kammerhof in Gmunden 2012

Within the scope of the EU Culture Programme the thirt international symposium was held in Innsbruck 2011. 

For 2011 invited artists:Catharina Kajander  from Finnland, Paloma Torres from Mexico, Candan Güngör from Turkey, Shao Ting-Ju from Taiwan and Daniela Cinellato from  Italy to come to Tyrol. The participants from Austria are Ucki Kossdroff, Barbara Reisinger, Katharina Schmidinger, Christian Moschen and Gabriela Nepo-Stieldorf, the organiser and curator of the symposium.

Works from the two exhibitions in the Imperial Castle and the Gallerie Nothburga in Innsbruck were shown in the Kammerhof Museum Gmunden – the municipal gallery of this town well known for ceramic work. The opening was on the 29th February 2012,  duration of the exhibition from first of March til 14th April. This presentation extends the town's tradition of cultural exchange in the form of a ceramic symposium, linking up with the tyrolean initiative.

The broad range of impact of continuous cooperation and exchange of experiences, within the context of the symposium and of other projects, between the organisers and participants from very different cultures and institutions, is intended to boost the standing of ceramic art within the art-world and present it as an historically relevant part of the arts with contemporary significance.

Kammerhofmuseum-Saal re


Kammerhofmuseum-Saal li

Kammerhof Museum Ausstellung-  exhibition at the Kammerhof Museum

 Kammerhofmuseum-Werke von Shao Ting Ju u. K. Schmidinger

Kammerhof Museum Ausstellung-  Shao Ting Ju – K. Schmidinger - exhibition at the Kammerhof Museum

Kammerhofmuseum-Werke von G. Candan

Kammerhofmuseum-Werke von Güngör Candan- works-  exhibition at the Kammerhof Museum

Künstler -E.Larcher-Portraitfries

 Teilnehmer-Porträtserie von Christian Moschen  - portraits from participants


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